
$400 level Market Credit Shares are sold out for 2025. Click the button above to sign up for $200 level shares.

**If you are a returning Market Credit Member, email directly to sign up.

Market Credit

We realize that food shopping, cooking, and eating is not one-size-fits-all!  Our Market Credit Program provides another option that allows you to be part of the Squash Blossom Farm community while giving you more flexibility to meet your own personal schedule and tastes.  With the Market Credit program, you buy credit from the farm in the beginning of the year to purchase whatever and whenever you please at our booth at the Ketchum and/or Hailey Farmers Market or through online sales.  This model still helps Squash Blossom Farm with crucial capital in the beginning of the season, but gives you as the customer more value for your $$, and the freedom to choose throughout the season.  

We offer two choices of market credit cards.  You get a 10% bonus on top of the amount paid!
Pay $200 and receive a $220 Squash Blossom credit card
Pay $400 and receive a $440 Squash Blossom credit card

In order to keep the program manageable for us, we have decided to limit the Pre-Order service to our $400 Market Credit customers.

What this means: If you sign up for the $400 Market Credit, you will have the opportunity to pre-order via email before each farmers market and pick up your order at the side of our booth anytime during market hours. Sign ups at this level may be limited.

If you sign up for $200 Market Credit, there will be no option for pre-orders. Thank you for understanding!

**You may add more credit at any point in the season if you run out, but credit added later in the season will not get a 10% bonus**
**Any credit you may have at the end of the season will no longer be valid, and cannot be transferred**